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SATISFACTORY PROGRESS Bloom Institute of Technology's standards of satisfactory progress apply to all students. Students must pass the requirements for each sprint in order to progress to the next sprint. Satisfactory Progress means meeting the requirements to progress through all program sprints and satisfying the clocked hours for the student’s program within the time specified in the Maximum Program Length policy. ACADEMIC PROBATION If a student is inactive or not progressing at a rate aligned with their anticipated graduation date or maximum program length, BloomTech will reach out to the student to assist them in progressing or requesting withdrawal. Inactive learners who are unresponsive to multiple outreach attempts will be withdrawn to avoid unintentional vesting of tuition. There are no probationary periods. REMEDIAL WORK AND REPEATED COURSES Bloom Institute of Technology does not offer remedial work. When a course or assessment is repeated, the higher grade for the repeated material will be considered in the determination of the student's grade average for the course of study. ATTENDANCE Attendance and participation in BloomTech courses is measured in multiple ways, including but not limited to taking attendance in live instruction experiences, verifying module & sprint project attempts, and activity in BloomTech’s learning management systems, etc. While students may choose to attend live or view recorded sessions, attendance and engagement with the material is critical to success in the program. Learners who do not have activity on the learning management systems for more than seven days will be flagged as inactive, and BloomTech will reach out to verify enrollment. BloomTech may withdraw inactive students to protect them from unintentional further vesting of tuition. Students who are unable to engage with the curriculum and make satisfactory progress due to extenuating circumstances may need to take a leave of absence. TARDINESS AND EARLY DEPARTURES Students who arrive late or leave early to a live instruction session will be able to attend a session at a future date of their choosing, or to review recorded content through the learning management system. MAKE-UP WORK Students that have missed a live lecture, assignment, project, or any other designed activity in the scheduled class time may make up for that work by doing so outside of scheduled class time. Page 18 of 58 REV 10/31/2022 This catalog applies to all students other than those who reside in CA, CO, GA, TX, and DC who have their own catalogs.

Bloom Institute of Technology | Course Catalog - Page 18 Bloom Institute of Technology | Course Catalog Page 17 Page 19