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This Sprint concentrates on two specific tools: The Graph and React which are needed to create Frontend DAPPS. Learners will use the contracts developed in previous Sprints to design, implement and deploy a subgraph and react app. Monitoring Your Protocol 15 Hours This Sprint provides learners with the tools and knowledge to monitor the network health of the DAPPS they created in the previous Sprint. Learning to monitor protocol is a prerequisite skill needed for the next Sprint. Blockchain Cryptography and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) 15 Hours This Sprint specializes in teaching the cryptography skills needed to secure transaction on a blockchain including creating and securing blocks and transactions and checking balances Ethereum Tokens, ERC20 and ERC-721 (NFT) 15 Hours This Sprint teaches learners the fundamentals of and applications needed for creating, deploying and testing NFTs. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) 15 Hours This Sprint teaches the concepts associated with Decentralized Finance (DeFI). Learners will gain the skills to Buy and Sell ERC20 coins, add and remove liquidity, stake coins to gain passive rewards and understand price oracle concepts. Hacking Smart Contracts: Devastating Vulnerabilities Gas Optimization 15 Hours The final Sprint of the course introduces how to recognize and prevent myriad external threats to Smart Contracts. The final practical examination will require students to attack 4 different smart contracts (provided by BloomTech instructors), identify the vulnerabilities and implement fixes for these issues. MANAGEMENT AND FACULTY BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN DANNER, Dunce Capital - Board Member STEPHEN OSKOUI Managing Partner at Gigafund - Board Member AUSTEN ALLRED, Co-Founder and CEO - Board Member ELISA TORRES, Drift - Board Member MANAGEMENT AUSTEN ALLRED, Co-Founder/CEO Page 53 of 58 REV 10/31/2022 This catalog applies to all students other than those who reside in CA, CO, GA, TX, and DC who have their own catalogs.

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