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BloomTech grads get jobs, faster: New Outcomes & Diversity Reports


By Austen Allred

November 3, 2022

Today, BloomTech published our 2021 Outcomes Report and 2022 Diversity Report. These analyses are one way we remain committed to transparency, a rewarding learner experience that leads to a job, and an inclusive company culture. Among the insights in the reports, we’re eager to share that in 2021 we saw our company’s highest-ever placement rate: 90% of 2021 job-searching graduates got jobs. Read on and click through to the full reports for more on how we’re empowering people to transform their financial future. 

Years ago, we founded BloomTech because higher education was broken. Too many people didn’t have the opportunity to get the kind of education that would lead to a great job, and much of the education offered didn’t actually lead to a job. Unfortunately, the higher ed landscape still fails to meet the needs and goals of so many. That’s why we work every day to break down barriers between learners and well-paying careers in tech

The results published in our 2021 Outcomes Report, which was reviewed by an independent auditing firm, and the 2022 Diversity Report show we’ve made enormous progress toward our mission. In short, the data show that our direct path to a well-paying job works

How do we know this? Because 90% of 2021 job-seeking graduates found a job. That tells me that when learners dig into our in-depth curriculum, graduate, and follow our job search plan (with personalized coaching and support along the way!), they land a job.  

I hope you read the full 2021 Outcomes Report and 2022 Diversity Report. In the meantime, check out what I see as the 3 biggest takeaways. 

1. BloomTech grads find jobs at the highest-ever rate

As you just read, 90% of our job-seeking 2021 graduates found jobs. This number translates to real people and real impact. I think of Stu Darsey, who worked as everything from a barista to a chimney sweep and who had never coded before enrolling in BloomTech’s Full Stack Web Development program. He’s now working as a full stack engineer and saving up to buy a house. 


Stu’s story is inspiring—and it’s one of literally hundreds of success stories coming out of BloomTech in 2021. 

What led to 2021’s record-high placement rate? We continually improve our online coding school, including these changes in 2021:

  • We updated the curriculum in our Full Stack Web Development and Data Science programs, so learners got more thorough training in the skills employers most want.
  • We rolled out even more robust career support, starting earlier in a learner’s BloomTech journey, so learners graduated ready to work.
  • We provided even more job hunt support for as long as it takes to secure a great job.

2. BloomTech graduates earn more

People who join BloomTech want to change their lives. They dream of a job they love, more flexibility, and, of course, a better salary. Our Outcomes Report showed that on average, 2021 placed BloomTech graduates realized this dream.

Our placed 2021 graduates earned a median salary of $65,000. That’s their starting point in their new career. The tech industry rewards skill and hard work, and the field is known for upward mobility—as well as salaries that commonly reach 6 figures. 

How does post-BloomTech pay compare to what folks earned before enrolling? Placed 2021 BloomTech graduates increased their salary by a median $27,500. Again, that’s just the first job after BloomTech, so that income jump is just the beginning. Think about that in terms of return on investment (ROI). Graduates’ median increase in salary is more than today’s cost of tuition—so the average 2021 placed graduate got a raise of more than BloomTech’s sticker price.

(You might be thinking about what $27,500 more a year could mean in your life. If that’s the case, I encourage you to enroll in at BloomTech or talk to an enrollment coach about how we could help you start a career you love.) 

2. Diverse learners of all backgrounds launch tech careers

Opportunity shouldn’t be determined by where you live, your identity, or whether or not you have a college degree. We built BloomTech to break down barriers that get in the way of people from all backgrounds starting a lucrative tech career. 

Our reports show that BloomTech learners are a diverse group, coming from a wide range of lived experiences. 34% of our learners self-identify as a race or ethnicity underrepresented in tech. This mirrors the U.S. population, and we are proud that our student body is representative of the country’s racial and ethnic background. 


We’ve also made big gains in placement rates for learners of backgrounds underrepresented in tech. Placement rates increased by 16% for women, by 14% for learners who are Black or African American, and 14% for learners who are Hispanic or Latinx. 

Further, 60% of BloomTech learners don’t have a 2- or 4-year degree. This is an even greater number than last year, which suggests that more people are turning to alternative education—like BloomTech—rather than committing to the time and expense of college.  

All these data add up to one big takeaway: If you want a direct path to a higher income, BloomTech can be that path.

Check out the full 2021 Outcomes Report and the 2022 Diversity Report if you want to dive into the details. I’m pretty sure you’ll not only feel inspired, but also confident that we can help make your career goals a reality. Then I invite you to apply to BloomTech. When you join, you’ll get 3 weeks to test drive BloomTech—no financial commitments or credit cards necessary. It’s all a part of our model to help more people jumpstart tech careers, faster.