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Is Coding Hard to Learn? (and How to Make It Easier)

By Lipsa Das

August 29, 2022


Want to learn coding but are afraid it might not be the best idea? Wondering if coding is hard to learn—and concerned you might be in over your head?

We get it: Code looks intimidating. All those lines of words, phrases, brackets, and punctuation might look like an alien language. You might struggle to comprehend how all that code relates to a website or app you’d use. 

But is coding hard to learn—really? The answer might surprise you.

Coding is easier than it seems. Programming is a diverse field where essentially anyone can find a path to fit their interests. In this article, we’ll explain why practically anyone can learn to code. Plus, we’ll share expert advice on streamlining the process—so learning to code is easier.

Curious about coding? Read on!

Is Coding Hard to Learn?

No, coding isn’t hard to learn, but it isn’t a walk in the park either. It can be a steep hill to climb at first—but you’ll likely surprise yourself by how much you can learn. As you progress, learning to code becomes easier. The key to success is not giving up on the early stages.

“I grew up on a farm. I grew up with zero relation to tech,” remembers Danielle Koduru, who graduated from BloomTech’s Full Stack Web Development program and is now a data scientist. “I had no previous experience coding. It was definitely very challenging getting over that first hump of learning my first programming language. [Then] I really saw progress and things were starting to click. I just felt more relaxed, like okay, I can do this.”

You might think that coding is totally foreign and time-consuming to learn. That might be true, but you can say the same for learning to dance salsa, paint watercolors, or install a garbage disposal. Coding is like learning any new skill and will require time, effort, and persistence. 

Some people are naturally inclined towards the skills that help you become a great programmer, like a strong sense of logic, passion for math, and problem-solving skills. However, no one is born with an in-depth knowledge of C++. Even the best programmers were once beginners who couldn’t write a single line of code. You can develop the necessary skills from scratch.

Debunking Common Myths: Is Programming Hard?

Coding isn’t any more difficult than other disciplines, but why do many perceive it as hard—or even beyond their reach? Let’s look at common beginner opinions about coding and debunk myths.

1. “Coding is hard because it requires math.”

Coding is based on math—this isn’t a myth. But, programmers don’t crunch numbers nonstop. They primarily perform basic operations, based on math you probably learned in high school. 

Depending on their particular role, some coders might need deeper math expertise, but this isn’t mandatory. Modern programming is more about logic than calculations. In fact, there are many tech roles that don’t require much math

2. “Coding is hard because of competition.”

Yes, coding is a rapidly growing field. But the demand for programmers still exceeds the supply. For example, demand for software developers in the U.S. is expected to grow 22% by 2030, providing a lot of opportunity for people who can code. 

Yes, lots of other people are learning to code. There’s competition for jobs in any market, but your ultimate goal is to find your niche within the industry where you can truly shine. Don’t strive to outplay everyone at everything, but play to your strengths. Maybe you’re experienced in the auto industry and can code better for that niche because you understand the field. Or, perhaps you’ve always been passionate about design and can build websites with appealing layouts and color schemes. 

Competition shouldn’t hold you back from learning.

3. “Coding is hard because it’s confusing.”

Coding can be confusing, but so is any other new skill. You will find Spanish equally baffling as Python if you’ve never learned it. 

The more you get into the discipline, the more you understand. After a while, you would be able to read programming languages like your native language.

If you’ve tried to learn to code on your own—and failed—you might intuitively understand that becoming a programmer can be much easier with guided support. If you’re wondering how best to start your coding journey, read about the differences between teaching yourself to code and learning in an online training program like BloomTech’s

4. “Coding is hard because there’s so much to learn.”

The number of programming languages and frameworks can be overwhelming. The good news is that you don’t have to learn everything at once. (Wondering where to start? This is the coding language we recommend learning first. Keep reading to learn more about which programming languages to tackle.)

With experience comes competence. Once you tackle one coding topic, you’ll retain that skill as you move on to the next. And if you ever feel rusty at a language or skill you previously learned, you can watch a video to refresh your memory or hop on a coding forum for a reminder. 

(Our flexible courses also allow you to go back and re-watch previous lessons and join live sessions from previous sprints. Refreshing your memory and staying sharp on acquired skills is something professionals do all the time—and we empower our learners to do the same.)

Remember, whether something feels hard or not often depends on your mindset. “I started pretty fresh, not knowing anything in programming,” remembers Clint Kunz, who graduated from BloomTech’s Full Stack Web Development program and now works as a full stack engineer. “It was completely foreign to me, but it was a lot of fun. At BloomTech, we just dove right in. And I loved it.”

Could you use a mindset shift? Could learning actually be fun? 

5. “Coding is hard because it’s constantly changing.”

Programming is a rapidly developing industry. Publishing a math book is easy because math rarely changes. Coding is more rapid. You need to stay up to date to stay relevant. What’s more, if you tried to learn coding 10 years ago, a lot has changed since then.

We at BloomTech update our courses regularly to reflect current industry best practices. We also use real-world examples instead of regular “homework” so by the time you graduate, you’ve had tons of hands-on practice. 

4 Tips to Make Coding Easier

Still not convinced coding isn’t that hard? Use these tips to simplify your learning path.

Use comments

You can add comments to your code in every major programming language. Your comments don’t affect your code but serve as clues for your future reference. If you or anyone else need to change something or write a similar function, comments will help them understand your code easily. 

Participate in a coder community

Even experienced programmers get stuck on coding problems. Becoming a part of a coder community is the best way to soak in wisdom, find new resources, and get quick advice.

Take a coding course

Self-learning works for some, but identifying your studying objectives, finding resources, and creating a plan isn’t easy. Taking a coding course such as BloomTech’s Full Stack Web Development course is the best way to learn the fundamentals and gain confidence. 

In fact, many of BloomTech’s successful graduates started where you are right now: with no programming experience and wondering if coding is too hard to learn. (Spoiler: It’s not! You got this!)

Adopt a learner’s mindset

Imagine if you gave up learning to ride a bike just because you fell off. The truth is, making mistakes is part of learning. You’ll have more fun learning to code if you embrace a learner’s mindset. 

“You’re gonna make mistakes, and you gotta be okay with that,” Clint Kunz says. “Try not to let that stop you from working and learning.”

What Is the Easiest Programming Language? 

If you don’t have a preference on which coding language you want to start with, consider choosing one of the easiest programming languages. That way, you get to learn the basics of programming easily.


HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, is the foundation of web design. It’s the easiest front end language to learn, with a straightforward vocabulary and structure. Learn this coding language with our completely free HTML course!


Python has easy syntax and structure. Python is favored by data scientists but is highly adaptable for other applications. 


JavaScript is the most versatile and diverse programming language. It incorporates front and backend development and has a myriad of frameworks.

How To Get into Coding?

If you’re unsure on how to get into coding, join BloomTech. Our courses can take you from where you are today along a proven path to a tech job—even if you’ve never written a line of code in your life. 

If you want to learn programming with expert guidance, coaching, and personalized support to land a job, our Full Stack Web Development course is probably your best bet. Even better, you can try this course for 3 weeks, risk-free! (This page details what you get in the Risk-Free Trial, such as access to the first 2 sprints of your course, community events, networking opportunities, and more.)

Simply apply to get access to our Risk-Free Trial. The process takes 20 minutes or less. 

We’ll see you in the trial!